When Emergencies Happen, BCU Electric Has Your Back - BCU Electric, Inc

Emergency Services

July 29, 2022

When emergency strikes and your daily functions suddenly come to a halt, it can certainly feel like chaos and disaster. Whether you’re simply doing the laundry at home, running an assembly line at a local factory, or operating a restaurant, losing electricity is simply not an option. That’s why it’s critical to know who to call for those electrical emergencies.

At BCU Electric, we provide emergency services for our residential, industrial, and commercial neighbors and clients so everyone can accomplish their goals. 


Electrical issues in your home can often be scary. Prolonged power outages, signs of an electrical fire, or moisture near electrical wiring or the breaker box are all causes for concern. Though many home issues can be handled without professional help and can be put off, electricity is not one of them. Our homes run on electricity, making it an essential component of our daily lives. More importantly, electricity is dangerous and best left to trained professionals who can solve your problem safely and have your home up and running again in no time.


Electricity fuels industrial settings – places that produce, package, and ship our food and goods across the country. If conveyors aren’t working properly, lights are out or flickering, or an entire line goes down, the factory is at a standstill. Even worse, industrial electrical issues can also be potential safety hazards for the hardworking men and women overseeing and completing operations. While no company wants to risk productivity, they also don’t want to risk their biggest assets: their people. When electrical issues present in industrial settings, the only solution is to bring in the engineers and technicians who can pinpoint and diagnose the problem and safely repair the system with minimal damage and downtime.


As consumers, we are all affected by commercial electrical issues. When the power goes out or when a piece of equipment – like an oven, a freezer, or even a register – goes down, operations come to a screeching halt. As frustrating as this may be for those of us trying to use those goods and services, no one is more upset than the managers and business owners who have to solve the problem and keep their customers happy. For the safety of both staff and patrons and to correct the issue as quickly as possible, electricians must be called in. They’ll work quickly and efficiently to find the best solution for everyone involved.

The Bottom Line: How Can BCU Electric Help?

BCU Electric is proud to offer ‘round the clock, 24/7 emergency service in the residential, industrial, and commercial fields. We also provide services in health care and educational settings to ensure our most important and vulnerable populations are protected and served. Whether it’s the weekend or the middle of the night, our knowledgeable and professional electricians and engineers will be there to help.

For more information about our emergency services, give us a call and ask to speak with one of our project managers!

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BCU Electric, Inc.
1019 US HWY 250 North
Ashland, Ohio 44805
Phone: (419) 281-8944
Fax: (419) 289-6239
Email: info@bcuelectric.com
Hours of Operation:
Monday - Friday: 7 a.m. - 5 p.m.
Office Closed Saturday and Sunday
24/7 Emergency Service Available
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